Business Systems

“Organize around business functions, not people.

Build systems within each function.

Let the systems run the business and the people run the systems."

Michael E. Gerber

Business Systems

According to INSEE, a quarter of businesses fail in the first two years, and almost half in the first five, even reaching 80% for start-ups. Entrepreneurs seek independence and financial success, but many discover that running a business requires intelligence, discipline and hard work. Starting, growing and maintaining a successful business is one of the toughest challenges. The reasons for failures are numerous. However, a crucial factor is the deficit in the creation of systems corresponding to the mission of the company.

The overarching goal of a business is to find, satisfy, and retain customers in a profitable manner. Failures often occur when leaders neglect the implementation of efficient systems to achieve this essential objective.

As a business leader, your primary responsibility is to establish and improve these systems so that your business optimally accomplishes its mission..

Business Owners

Build effective systems to

Start a business :

Effective systems are the only way to organize and structure a new business to run smoothly and impress customers from the start.

Grow your business

Effective systems offer the best way to significantly grow your business and the only method to skillfully manage its growth and expansion.

Franchise a concept

Effective systems and processes transform the business into a self-sustaining system that delivers consistent results day after day. You can easily duplicate it in other markets.

Effective business systems

will allow you to...

Get Organized : Enjoy systematized and smooth operations

Solve problems : Build business systems that eliminate daily frustrations

Delight your Customers : Exceed expectations with every customer contact

Increase Productivity : Develop a culture of discipline and excellence

Lower the costs : Significantly reduce errors, waste, inefficiency and rework using the principles of Six Sigma, Lean thinking and the Theory of Constraints

Multiply the Profits

: Transform your business into a profitable system every day

Our Roadmap

To build the future of your business

Company Foundations

Before tackling the subject of systems, it is appropriate to put in place or review the foundations of your business, namely:

  • Define the company's mission and the values by which this mission is to be accomplished.
  • Define the vision or destination to which the company is destined in 5, 10 years.
  • Understand the customers and their needs.
  • Understand the employees, the company's main asset, and their needs.
  • Understand the environment in which the company operates: trends, competitors, etc.
  • Implement a marketing strategy, targeting, needs, value proposition, and differentiation.
  • Establish a strategy and objectives.
  • Establish a structure capable of supporting the company's strategy.
  • Translate the strategy into daily actions.
  • Build the framework for your systems.

Systems framework

Systems are the essential building blocks of any business and represent 100% of its activities. Your decision to start a business is a decision to develop and refine all the systems required to achieve its goals.

As a reminder: A system is a predetermined procedure, process, method, or action plan designed to consistently and continuously achieve a specific outcome. It is composed of components that work together for the benefit of the whole.

So far, you have laid the foundations for this important responsibility. The next step is to identify and prioritize the systems and processes that will help you achieve your goals. Your new or improved systems should:

  • Help you accomplish the mission of your organization.
  • Reflect your core values and beliefs.
  • Lead you to fulfill your vision for the future.
  • Be responsive to the "voice" of customers and employees.
  • Follow your unique business strategy.
  • Help you achieve your specific written goals.
  • Fit into your defined organizational structure.

How we work


Individual: with the head of the Enterprise Group: with the management team, managers


On themes linked to the systemization of the company

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